Former Jazz Singer’s Amazing Revert Story from Christianity-John Fontain
Around seven years old, I realized I didn’t believe in this faith, and I wasn’t going to be a Muslim. I remember cheering on the news as America went into Iraq and Afghanistan to bring freedom to others.
Who is John Fontain
John Fontaine converted to Islam in 2008 and before that he was a jazz singer, studying diamonds, and working in Africa.
What were you believing in?
I was raised as a Christian, went to different types of churches, played the trumpet and the ukulele, and started singing professionally when I was a teenager. I felt like I reached the peak of where I could be in the music industry, but it was an empty feeling.
When you’ve made it, you know you’ve worked hard to succeed in a particular field, but then you start to question your belief. So you start to look into business as well.
What was the thing that made you question your belief?
I remember being in Sunday School in church and writing a song about God. The pastor changed the words of my song to Jesus Is God and I realized that I don’t believe in this faith.
I started to question the right religion because I believed in God, but there was no way I was going to accept that Jesus was God.
When did you first hear about Islam?
I remember the first time I heard about Islam was after 9 11, when I was in a woodwork class. I remember cheering for America to go into Iraq and Afghanistan, not knowing anything about Islam.
What reason, did you feel the attraction towards Islam?
Initially I was looking into Islam online, but when I went to Senegal I realized that there are African Muslims and that the Adan was fascinating. I wanted to understand it and I met some Muslims. I came across a brother who invited me to stay in his house and I witnessed him and his family praying. I liked the culture, but I wasn’t convinced on Islam.
At that time, did becoming a Muslim cross your mind?
I started to attack Islam by using Christianity, but the more I researched the more I was impressed about the teachings and the message of the Quran, and I guess I was willing to accept Islam.
In Senegal, did you have any memory that you cannot forget?
When I was 18 years old, I was staying in the brother’s house and he was crying because his grandmother had passed away. He said he wanted to meet me so that she could make Dua that I would become a Muslim and that touched me.
When and how did you accept Islam?
I was doing some research on becoming a Muslim, but I didn’t know how to do it. Then I came across videos with people like Abdul Rahim Green and Ucfestus, and I realized I could be a Muslim.
So who invited you then?
I asked my friend to teach me how to pray and he refused, but then he told me the shahada and I became a Muslim. I still had negative feelings about Muslims, but then I went to a mosque and a white man helped me learn how to pray.
I would go to the mosque every day and learn from the brothers. My family and close circle were supportive of my conversion to Islam.
And how did your family and your close circle react to your conversion to Islam?
In the beginning, people thought it was a phase, but 13 years on I'm still a Muslim. Of course, they had concerns that Islam was dangerous, but now everything is okay.
What was the major challenge you faced after becoming a Muslim?
The hardest thing for me after becoming a Muslim was praying Salah. I dealt with this by promising myself that I would never sleep at night unless I've prayed my five daily prayers, and then I realized that it was easier to spread the Salah around.
What impressed you the most about our Prophet (saw)?
The Prophet Salallahu Sallam came 1400 years ago and received Revelation from Allah as well as the highest status a human being can be given which is a prophet. His followers who follow his son follow his way and a third of the world currently follow the prophet.
When people reflect on this man and what he did, and more importantly the message that he was given, Islam beats any other religion, any other philosophy, or any other way of life in its wisdom.
What was your purpose in your life before Islam and what is it after Islam?
You know, the purpose of life is to sit with the Prophet Muhammad, Isa, Islam and all the Prophets and have conversations with them.
What projects are you doing right now?
Iām doing some work in Africa, writing a book about the Islamic perspective of Revelation and the previous scriptures, and running a YouTube channel.
If you had a chance to speak to all the non-Muslims in the world, what would you like to say to them?
If you had a chance to speak to all the non-muslims in the world, what would you like to say to them? Learn about Islam.
Islam is very influential on the world, and non-muslims should learn about it and worship Allah the Creator alone, who is also the God that Muslims pray to when they’re in need.
What was it like to say in your final comments?
If you have your five daily prayers on time prayed correctly and have Iman in these things, you know that the all wise Al Hakeem is behind that and Subhanallah Iman comes through knowledge. Take it step by step.
I encourage everyone to take Islam seriously, reflect on the Quran, read the Quran, give Islam a chance, and read about what Islam teaches.
Lorem Ipsum