“Jesus Didn’t Preach Christianity, but Islam!” – British Ex-Christian’s Revert Story!
“Jesus Didn’t Preach Christianity, but Islam!” – British Ex-Christian’s Revert Story!
I had a spiritual experience one day, which led me to seek out a spiritual path. I noticed that Jesus didn’t preach Christianity, and this is the Scandal.
Paul Williams was born in Essex, grew up in a nominally Christian home, studied theology, Christian theology at University, and studied philosophy as well at University as a Christian, but ultimately embraced Islam.
In my early twenties, I became a born-again Christian, and I went to church all the time, believing Jesus was God and reading the Bible very carefully. Before Christianity, you were an atheist. One Sunday morning, while cycling back from an all-night party in London, you experienced a powerful force which you didn’t want to stay for long. Because of my nominal Christian background, I decided to go to a church and became a Christian, but eventually I discovered Islam and changed Faith.
It seems to me that Jesus didn’t preach Christianity, he didn’t come to found a church, he preached God, tauhid, near sincerity, the love of God and love of neighbor, and so on. He preached a spiritual renewal movement within Judaism.
According to the vast majority of historians, the idea that God became a man in Jesus is a late idea and only found in the Gospel of John. Jesus never speaks about God in the early gospels and only speaks about repentance.
Jesus comes across as a somewhat Divine figure in the Gospel of John, but in the Gospel of Luke he never speaks like that, and he never says I am the way, the truth and the life.
If Jesus hadn’t preached the Trinity, I would have found that threatening as a Christian, but the problem was the reliability of the gospels.
While finding inconsistencies in Christianity, I decided to find out the truth about Islam by actually talking to Muslims. I read the Quran in English and discovered Real Islam, which surprised me because it opened up a true way of understanding God.
The Quran provides answers to some profound questions that still baffle Christian theologians and Bishops of the highest order, including why people die of cancer, why earthquakes happen, and why Jesus did not teach the Trinity, the Incarnation, or the Catholic Church.
There is incredible convergence between the latest Western scholarship and what the Quran is also saying about Jesus. This is another miracle of the Quran.
Christians will tell you that Jesus was God and that he died for your sins. I think that's interesting, but the Bible says that God is Immortal and yet Christians believe that Jesus died for their sins.
The Trinity is a big problem for me because Jesus never taught it and his disciples didn’t believe it. Also, how can the Father be fully God, the Son be fully God and yet there be one God?
The idea of the Trinity evolved very slowly over several centuries. It was only in the third century at the Council of Nicaea that it was officially decided that the Son and the Father were co-equal and that Jesus was God. The Council of Nicaea was not about the Trinity, but about the relationship between the Son and the father. The only trinitarian verse in the Bible is fake, and most modern Bibles have taken it out.
The gospel writers are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. There are no historical records of these people, and Christians who disagree with this view are usually able to find a passage in John’s Gospel that says a name of a person who wrote it.
Many Christians are educated people, but the way the churches teach the faith to them doesn’t teach them an advanced understanding of their own scriptures. This is because the priests and pastors don’t want to lose their jobs. The Bible is not as what you might think it is, and most Christians don’t want to upset their Christian people.
If Christianity is not true, why do some Christians find peace when they become more serious about their faith? I think many Christians are functionally Unitarian, meaning they believe in the Oneness of God rather than Jesus.
Many people find peace because God is merciful and he tries to guide people towards the truth, even within the Faith, away from Shirk, for example.
In the earlier gospels, Jesus talks about someone else, not himself, and then switches to the third person and speaks about someone else, not himself, who is to come. The word Muhammad is not mentioned in the Greek of the New Testament Absolutely.
The main thing that convinced me that Islam is 100 the truth was the life and teaching of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace. They never mentioned the Prophet Muhammad on British television or Western literature. The teaching there felt very familiar to what I read in the Gospels, and I recognized the Hallmarks of an authentic spiritual teacher. This was the problem for me accepting Islam because I saw the connection between Jesus and Muhammad.
What impressed you the most about our Prophet Allah was the day he conquered Mecca and the way he treated his enemies. The West doesn’t know about this and it is infinitely the poorer for not knowing about it.
I've always been my purpose in life to seek the truth wherever it is found, and I'm still searching for the truth within Islam.
Professor Linda Woodhead, a leading expert on religions in Britain, said that religion in Britain is declining, but Islam is growing in Britain. The first generation of Muslims arrived in Britain in the 1950s and 1960s, but weren’t necessarily practicing Muslims.
Muslim youth in Britain are increasingly religious more than their parents, and they are praying five times a day. People who are considering Islam but are hesitant about it should consider the depth of friendship and brotherhood amongst Muslims.
Islam offers us a chance to have connection with our creator, a purpose in being here, and a fight against modern living, which is causing us lethal diseases like obesity and mental illness. Fasting is really important in Islam to rejuvenate your body.
Islam gives you a deeper, satisfying relationship with your creator, a knowledge that this life is brief, and a purpose beyond this life. It doesn’t separate religion out to the private realm.
Someone who wants to learn about Islam should not use Google to search for information, but instead should read a book called misquoting Muhammad, The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy.
Islam says that Jesus did not say he was God, and that he pointed to God in the earliest gospels. Come back to the original Jesus, and you will find him in Islam, not in what you call Christianity.